What is Catamount?
The Catamount Library Network (CLN) is a member-governed consortium of libraries that share a common catalog and use Koha open-source software. They share circulation policies and item and collection types, and they allow patron-initiated holds.
What is Koha?
Koha is a fully functional, open-source, integrated library-management system (ILS). To learn more about Koha, visit the official Koha website: http://koha-community.org.
Joining Catamount
Is Catamount accepting new members?
Yes, we welcome your inquiry. Catamount is a growing consortium with current holdings of over 480,000 items. CLN contracts with ByWater Solutions for hosting and support, and our costs per library decrease as more join. If you are interested, please fill out the Request More Information form found on this website. A current member will respond to your request.
PLEASE NOTE: It may require up to six months for our hosting agency to schedule your transition into CLN. This period allows you to weed, barcode, enter your records, etc. Interested libraries should plan accordingly.
How Catamount Works in Practice
How do patron-initiated holds work?
When a patron of a CLN library sees a desired item in the shared online catalog, the patron can log in and place a hold on the item from their computer or device. The item does not have to be owned by the patron's home library, nor is it necessary to use a librarian to place the hold. Hold requests are filled by each CLN library regularly and sent to the patron’s home library. The patron is notified that the item is available for pick-up.
Some items are restricted by pre-set definition to be for home-library circulation only. These include new books, new audiobooks, new videos, special collections and leased materials. Books are considered new for the first six months in the catalog and noted as such; non-print materials are considered new for a full year.
What is it like to have shared policies across the network?
Shared policies simplify loans among Catamount members and provide consistency across the network. Libraries are required to commit to CLN policies and procedures. Fines are set as network policy, and libraries have the option of not charging fines. The CLN’s agreed upon item types and collection codes offer enough flexibility to meet the needs of all members.
If our library joins Catamount, will our patrons be able to visit other CLN libraries to check out materials?
No, not unless they also have a personal account at those libraries.
What equipment and infrastructure are required?
Koha is web-based. Libraries must have current technology as required for Koha, as well as a barcode scanner and a receipt printer. Libraries must use standard 14-digit barcodes for their items and patrons. Further explanation of infrastructure standards for CLN member libraries can be found in the current CLN Membership Agreement.
Migration and Training
What is the migration process like?
Records are typically loaded into the Catamount test system a couple of months before a library is scheduled to "Go Live,” enabling the owning library’s staff to check for completeness and accuracy. During this time, staff receive training on circulation and OPAC, cataloging, and basic administrative functions from members of the CLN training team. If everything checks out during the test phase, the bibliographic, patron, and transaction records are loaded, and the library Goes Live with Koha in CLN. The Go Live is accomplished over a weekend, and the library may wish to close for one or two days to get the system up and running. By Monday, the library is successfully integrated and welcomed into CLN.
Expected Costs
A $350 fee must accompany each CLN membership application. This will be applied to the first-year membership or future membership fees. The first-year membership fee is pro-rated based on the library’s Go Live date. Each library’s membership fee is based on the size of the library’s holdings, circulation, and town population.
With patron-initiated holds, libraries should expect to see increases in borrowing and lending with other libraries in CLN and should budget accordingly. Using the Green Mount Courier system, under the auspices of the Vermont Department of Libraries, helps libraries manage the costs of increased interlibrary loans. We recommend all CLN libraries join this service or share a courier stop, if that option is available for your location. Information: http://libraries.vermont.gov/services/ILL/courier
Migration cost for currently automated libraries:
There is a .06 per record migration charge, which is paid directly to ByWater, the support and hosting contractor.
For Non-automated libraries:
There is no migration fee, as you and your staff will perform the task of adding your records, with CLN training assistance.
Catamount Governance
How is the CLN governed?
The membership of CLN libraries form a council that nominates and elects the five-person Board of Directors. Board members serve staggered terms. The Board of Directors elects a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary from the elected Board members.
What kind of a say do libraries have in CLN decisions?
Every member library in CLN is part of the decision-making process. Meetings of the Board are open, and proceedings are transparent. The Board meets at least quarterly, with meetings announced on this website and through a network-wide wiki in which all members participate to ask questions, share ideas, and propose changes.
Representatives of the member libraries also participate online or in person in regular Cataloging and Loans working-group meetings. All Catamount member libraries have a voice in these meetings and a part to play in sharing the workload and ensuring the success of the member-run CLN consortium.
The Catamount Library Network (CLN) is a member-governed consortium of libraries that share a common catalog and use Koha open-source software. They share circulation policies and item and collection types, and they allow patron-initiated holds.
What is Koha?
Koha is a fully functional, open-source, integrated library-management system (ILS). To learn more about Koha, visit the official Koha website: http://koha-community.org.
Joining Catamount
Is Catamount accepting new members?
Yes, we welcome your inquiry. Catamount is a growing consortium with current holdings of over 480,000 items. CLN contracts with ByWater Solutions for hosting and support, and our costs per library decrease as more join. If you are interested, please fill out the Request More Information form found on this website. A current member will respond to your request.
PLEASE NOTE: It may require up to six months for our hosting agency to schedule your transition into CLN. This period allows you to weed, barcode, enter your records, etc. Interested libraries should plan accordingly.
How Catamount Works in Practice
How do patron-initiated holds work?
When a patron of a CLN library sees a desired item in the shared online catalog, the patron can log in and place a hold on the item from their computer or device. The item does not have to be owned by the patron's home library, nor is it necessary to use a librarian to place the hold. Hold requests are filled by each CLN library regularly and sent to the patron’s home library. The patron is notified that the item is available for pick-up.
Some items are restricted by pre-set definition to be for home-library circulation only. These include new books, new audiobooks, new videos, special collections and leased materials. Books are considered new for the first six months in the catalog and noted as such; non-print materials are considered new for a full year.
What is it like to have shared policies across the network?
Shared policies simplify loans among Catamount members and provide consistency across the network. Libraries are required to commit to CLN policies and procedures. Fines are set as network policy, and libraries have the option of not charging fines. The CLN’s agreed upon item types and collection codes offer enough flexibility to meet the needs of all members.
If our library joins Catamount, will our patrons be able to visit other CLN libraries to check out materials?
No, not unless they also have a personal account at those libraries.
What equipment and infrastructure are required?
Koha is web-based. Libraries must have current technology as required for Koha, as well as a barcode scanner and a receipt printer. Libraries must use standard 14-digit barcodes for their items and patrons. Further explanation of infrastructure standards for CLN member libraries can be found in the current CLN Membership Agreement.
Migration and Training
What is the migration process like?
Records are typically loaded into the Catamount test system a couple of months before a library is scheduled to "Go Live,” enabling the owning library’s staff to check for completeness and accuracy. During this time, staff receive training on circulation and OPAC, cataloging, and basic administrative functions from members of the CLN training team. If everything checks out during the test phase, the bibliographic, patron, and transaction records are loaded, and the library Goes Live with Koha in CLN. The Go Live is accomplished over a weekend, and the library may wish to close for one or two days to get the system up and running. By Monday, the library is successfully integrated and welcomed into CLN.
Expected Costs
A $350 fee must accompany each CLN membership application. This will be applied to the first-year membership or future membership fees. The first-year membership fee is pro-rated based on the library’s Go Live date. Each library’s membership fee is based on the size of the library’s holdings, circulation, and town population.
With patron-initiated holds, libraries should expect to see increases in borrowing and lending with other libraries in CLN and should budget accordingly. Using the Green Mount Courier system, under the auspices of the Vermont Department of Libraries, helps libraries manage the costs of increased interlibrary loans. We recommend all CLN libraries join this service or share a courier stop, if that option is available for your location. Information: http://libraries.vermont.gov/services/ILL/courier
Migration cost for currently automated libraries:
There is a .06 per record migration charge, which is paid directly to ByWater, the support and hosting contractor.
For Non-automated libraries:
There is no migration fee, as you and your staff will perform the task of adding your records, with CLN training assistance.
Catamount Governance
How is the CLN governed?
The membership of CLN libraries form a council that nominates and elects the five-person Board of Directors. Board members serve staggered terms. The Board of Directors elects a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary from the elected Board members.
What kind of a say do libraries have in CLN decisions?
Every member library in CLN is part of the decision-making process. Meetings of the Board are open, and proceedings are transparent. The Board meets at least quarterly, with meetings announced on this website and through a network-wide wiki in which all members participate to ask questions, share ideas, and propose changes.
Representatives of the member libraries also participate online or in person in regular Cataloging and Loans working-group meetings. All Catamount member libraries have a voice in these meetings and a part to play in sharing the workload and ensuring the success of the member-run CLN consortium.
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